(Astrology Explored) The only sound in my office is the tapping of my pen on my notebook. I look at the clock again. Damn it, the woman promised to be here yesterday, but then again, she’s not the most punctual. Then … Continue reading
Practical #Astrology: #MercuryRetrograde explained in 60 Seconds
Dietrech Pessin Lecture and Frank Clifford Workshop at the ASC
ASC May, 2021 NewsletterAstrological Society of Connecticut, Inc.PO Box 402, Rocky Hill, CT 06067-0402860-568-8617Our 2020 – 2021 Season wraps up with TWO events! Zoom Meetings The ASC is currently presenting our lectures and workshops on Zoom. If you don’t have a … Continue reading
Political #Astrology: #Election2020~Will #Biden Turn #Georgia Blue?
(Astrology Explored Blog) The nail biter of the 2020 United States election leaves everyone, Democrats and Republicans on edge as Trump does Trump, and the rest of us lose sleep. The stakes are no less than the soul of the … Continue reading
#Astrology and #Election2020
(Astrology Explored Blog) Democrats, after the defeat of 2016, are suffering a bit of PTSD over the electoral map. Though polls in 2016 saw Secretary Clinton leading, and pundits forecasted a win, the electoral map came up much different from than … Continue reading
Interview with #Venus in #Virgo: Don’t Blow My Glow, Gurl
(Astrology Explored Blog) Venus, the goddess of love and money, moved into the Virgo Suite of the Zodiac Hotel on October 3rd, and ever since, there’s been trouble. I got this message from one of my friends on Facebook: Friend: … Continue reading