Category: 2020 Elections

Under the Hunter’s Moon: One Month Forecast

(Astrology Explored)    The Hunter’s Moon, full at 23 degrees Aries, falls on October 17th, 2024, a potent full moon. Its astrological energy brings heightened emotions, revelations, and a push to achieve goals. The Hunter’s Moon occurs in warrior Aries’s … Continue reading

Under the Hunter’s Moon: One Month Forecast

(Astrology Explored)    The Hunter’s Moon, full at 23 degrees Aries, falls on October 17th, 2024, a potent full moon. Its astrological energy brings heightened emotions, revelations, and a push to achieve goals. The Hunter’s Moon occurs in warrior Aries’s … Continue reading

#Astrology and #Election2020

(Astrology Explored Blog) Democrats, after the defeat of 2016, are suffering a bit of PTSD over the electoral map. Though polls in 2016 saw Secretary Clinton leading, and pundits forecasted a win, the electoral map came up much different from than … Continue reading

The #Astrology of the Whitmer Kidnapping Conspiracy

(Astrology Explored) Shockingly, the FBI and the Attorney General of Michigan announced 13 arrests in a conspiracy to kidnap and murder Governor Gretchen Whitmer. The men arrested belong to the militia group Wolverine Watchmen. The extensive investigation, court documents showed, … Continue reading

Trump Health Downturn?

(Astrology Explored) As a forensic astrology technique, I often put the event chart in the center and the person’s chart in the outer ring. The Sun, according to Rex Bills in The Rulership Book represents the President, along with the … Continue reading